Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Tuesday Morning Notes

This is a direct result of my having consumed a little too much champagne while sitting in the hot tub Sunday and thinking I would do the post afterwards.  That combined with the woman with whom I live with and am related to by marriage's desire to take my note taking pen combined to create a rather half assed Wrap Up.  So here are some notes left out and some new ones.

-The stop sign by the Aquatic Center is there to stay.  It was taken down to help the neighborhoods close to the sign turn on to 8th street.  But in the end it just proves to be to confusing.  Driving becomes a routine in areas that you drive all the time and thus the removing and replacing of the sign became somewhat hazardous.  I think I had this one right.  Have a look see here.

-The city's communication's director is being moved to the oversight of the Parks Department.  This was something the council was not all together on and was probably as divisive an issue as they have had among themselves since they took office. 

The reasoning was that this person is the communications director for the entire city, not just the mayor.  And mayor initially did not want this position to be filled.

I'm conflicted on this one.  If the mayor has no desire to work with the council and the perceived disconnect (and that's putting it nicely) actually exists, then I understand their wanting some control over the communications director.

On the other hand we have an actual human being that is just trying to do their job and is caught in the middle of all of this.

Quite frankly, JAML has not decided how to feel about this one.

-The park to go around the retention pond in downtown is on hold for the foreseeable future.  This one I am not conflicted on.  There is a very real chance that during heavy rains the pond could fill with sewage.  That would be on the news and make Jeff a laughing stock to the area.  Its also very possible that the pond could dry up during dry spells.  Which would just make the thing ugly.

The mayors statement that he doesn't understand why the council doesn't want the park is disingenuous.  The settings for the park have changed by him and have taken what would have been stable area and changed them into an area with great variables.

-The setup for the downtown Trick or Treating has changed as now apparently anyone can enter and start where they please.  My guess this is the result of some complaints the mayor heard from some attending parents.  Will it work or cause a mess.  This will be interesting on a completely minor scale.

-If you are one who likes to drive around and look at the fall colors you may want to get that done this week sometime.  A major storm, with a cold snap behind it, look to be approaching the area by weeks end.  The storm looks to cause windy conditions that would blow a lot of the changed leaves down.  This week is going to be warm so it would be a great chance to look at the leaves while they are still up.

-Finally I will comment briefly and vaguely on the rumors.  I have heard from people I trust that the damage was done to a city vehicle.  Beyond that everyone has heard the same story as to the cause but that part becomes unreliable.  At least some what.  While I believe the reason, I wont discuss that here until it becomes part of the record.  And I will actually delete any comments that do.  You can comment on the rumors themselves, but not the details.

As I stated on the Chatter though, if the whole city is filled with smoke, theres a good probability that there is at least one structure fire.

Enjoy the week and I'll be back later in the week or as is needed.  Remember to comment below and like the Facebook Page.  

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