Monday, October 22, 2012

Caddyshack's Weekend Wrap Up.

How did I decide on Caddyshack this week?  Well, I mentioned it in a thread on the CCC.  Then I someone responded with a quote from the movie.  Then I heard it mentioned twice on the radio this week.  So Caddyshack it is.

Caddyshack is a 1980 comedy movie that centers around the going ons at a private golf club named Bushwood (only recently out of the blue one day did I get the gag on the name of the club).  It stars Chevy Chase as a loner golfer that is very good at the course.  Rodney Dangerfield as Al Czervik, a obnoxious developer that likes to keep things light and up beat and doesnt need to act like a snob.  Ted Knight as Judge Elihu Smails, a snobby judge who seems to be in charge at the club even though both his father and Ty's father founded the club.  Bill Murray as Carl Spackler, the dim witted grounds keeper.  And Michael O'Keefe as Danny Noonan, a caddy and soon to be college student that is worried about his future and just trying to make it the world.

What follows is one of the most surprisingly funny movies you can have based on the concept.  It wraps the life of a caddy trying to make it in the world and trying to be more than he is destined to be, with rich people.  Some of who realize how fortunate they are, and others who believe that favoritism is their birth rite.  Between Chase's down to earthiness, to Dangerfield's outragousness, to Knight's snootiness, Caddyshack is a gem that can not be ignored.

Now on to the brief Wrap Up:

-More moves were made to ensure that the Louisville Metro area will have two new bridges in the near future.  The moves made this week all but ensure that tolls will be present on at least some of the bridges people will cross to get from one side of the river to the other.

While most people are against the tolls, I frankly do not care.  The money it will save me personally on gas traveling daily to the JAML Corporate Headquarters will be well worth it.  And I'd imagine that I'm not the only one. 

My take on this issue is this.  I'm going to use this bridge, so there is no reason I shouldn't help pay for it.

-Apparently Jeffersonville's new boat is more of a controversial piece of news than I thought.  As said last week I'm not sure that it was needed, but anything that could help response time in the event of an emergency is welcomed. 

Well apparently I'm not completely backed on this one as quite the debate on this issue has evolved.  Leading some less knowing individuals to diminish the events of 9/11 and the continued threat on the U.S. 

Again, I'm not sure its needed.  But someone did and extra help isn't going to hurt anyone.

-Finally the rumor mill is going wild on the CCC.  I did a little asking today and the story I heard matched up to what I could guess from the facts and innuendo given.  

The deal that a lot of people don't want to think about was given to me unsolicited today.  If these rumors were found out to be true, it could make Jeffersonvill a laughing stock of the area.  Lets hope that they are not true.

As always feel free to comment below and like the Facebook page.  See you later in the week or as news warrants.


  1. JAML, I don't mind the tolls that will be placed on some of our bridges, but I do wonder if more traffic will divert to any bridges not tolled to avoid the tolls. I believe if they are going to toll any, they should toll all, including the Clark Memorial and Sherman Minton bridges, to eliminate the possible diversion of traffic, causing an overload on the toll free bridge(s).

    Yes, the new boat is controversial, and like you, I am not sure is is needed. Many have a problem with the fact it was paid for with tax dollars on a federal level. My opinion is, yes, it was paid for with our tax dollars but at least we can see where part of our tax dollars went. If Jeff had not been given the grant, it would have gone to another community in another state. We would have still paid in our tax dollars but may not ever see where part of those tax dollars went.

    I think I will reserve comment on the rumors for now!

  2. I agree with your feelings on the tolls. My one question would be the 2nd Street Bridge. I dont know if Louisville or Jeffersonville have the ability to toll that bridge in a way that could keep traffic flowing. This would all depend on what methods they use to collect the tolls.
