Wednesday, August 22, 2012

About The New JAML Blog.

So here we sit.  We enter the dawn of a great new era in the Jeffersonville political world.  An era that has the bad guys shaking in fear for what is to come and the consequences that.  An era that has the good people of Jeffersonville looking out their windows and opening their doors and seeing an immaculate sunrise for the first time in almost a year. 

Yes my friends, Jeff All My Life has started a blog.

A couple of things that I want you to know about what this blog is and will be:

1.  This blog will be mostly reactionary.  Quite frankly while I know a few people who have inside knowledge of whats going on in Jeffersonville politics (and we may venture further out from time to time), I do not have the resources or contacts that the likes of Oracle, Goliath, Mike Hutt and others have.  I'll never pretend that I do.  But don't let that mislead you.  While I may not have the means to "break" the story like the previously mentioned, I do have enough to have a working knowledge of what I think events mean and what is good or bad for the people of Jeffersonville.  And I will explain why here on this blog.

2.  I will discuss the news that happens in Jeffersonville.  When something happens that seems  interesting, you will find it here.  If you look and its not here, that probably means its not interesting.  Sorry.

3.  I will discuss (and sometimes destroy) other political posters to other sites comments and theories.  I have no hesitation about this.  I already have a few ideas for this and no one is safe!

4.  I will have something of a schedule.  Right now, what I'm thinking is something along the lines of a Weekly Recap/Look Ahead on Sunday night or Monday.  With one or two regularly scheduled post the rest of the week.  And then when ever news breaks I will post then also.

5.  I have a Facebook page.  I'll be using this to alert people of new posts.  So like it!

6.  I have a spouse and we have lots of family. We both have jobs. We also have our high class champagne drinking friends.  It is likely that this will, from time to time, interrupt the schedule of the blog.  Don't complain if and when it does.

7.  I'm a terrible speller.  That's why God invented spell check.  But even it doesn't catch every thing.  Don't tell me when it doesn't.  Just get the point of the post and react to that.  Not the spelling.

8.  Finally.  I have been considering starting a blog or website for some time.  My first choice would actually be to do a sports blog.  But the time that it would take to make that a success I don't have right now.  I tell you this so that you understand how serious I take this.  I've mulled this over for some time.  The reason I chose to do this was because it was something that I could do in my available time, but that would give me the material necessary to have regular posts.  I in no way wanted to start a site that would go dormant for weeks because of a lack of material.  But after seeing the events recently, with the prospect of more to come, I can tell that little Mikey and his band of moore-ons will provide me more than enough material.

So sit back.  Enjoy.  Like the Facebook page.  And get buckle up!

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