Friday, August 31, 2012

Your Labor Day Weekend Weekly Review

It is the great American holiday Labor Day.  For most people this means many things.  First its a three day weekend that gives Americans one last chance for summer parties and get-togethers. 

It also marks the end of what most people consider summer time.  Pools close up for the year.  Amusement parks mostly go to weekends only.  And college students will most certainly be back at it by Tuesday. 

And it also is when wives lose their husbands for the next 7 months to sports.  College football starts this week.  NFL next.  Followed by MLB playoffs, the NBA season and finally college basketball.  Men will be using every excuse, or the blunt truth, to be parked in front of a TV or with friends at a bar until March Madness concludes early next year. 

When Matthew Maguire first proposed the holiday in 1882 to celebrate all that the American worker provides, both for family and country,   he never could had foreseen what a pivotal point it would become on the calendar.

Enough with the half assed write up, lets get to some brief notes for your holiday weekend:

-The biggest news of the week was that ground broke on the first project related to the east end bridge.  This is huge for all people who have been living here as the east end bridge is kind of like myth or wives's tale.  Everyone heard of it for years but never actually confirmed it was going to happen.  Between this ground breaking and a completion date set for 2017/2018, the myth is much closer to becoming a reality.

-The deck of the Big Four bridge is complete.  Don't put on your walking shoes just yet.  There is still more work to be done including the Indiana ramp, but another big project is that much closer to being completed.

-A councilman responded to Mikey's pleas to keep politics out of the naming of basketball courts.  While I wont go into great detail as you can scroll down for the story and... well I left my notes at home, I will say that Mikey once again got caught lying and tried to spin the story to make himself the victim.  No, Mikey, we ALL are the victims and will be for the next 3 years.

-I'm hearing there may have been some problems with the sewer billing system this month.  I have heard several complaints of very high bills being received this week.  Probably nothing more than a billing error, but with the holiday, it wont be able to be resolved for residence until at least Wednesday.

-Crews were out this week in advance of the rains expected, making sure that storm drains were clear and asking residents to do the same.  While the forcasted totals have dropped slightly and the ground is dry, there is still a high risk of extremely heaving down pours from time to time that could still cause ponding near drains if they were blocked.  I would also expect to hear the usual CSO tweet from the city.

-Finally, the old R&W was razed this week.  Thank God.  Nice to have that eyesore gone from our city's entrance.  Now if we could just get that sign put in that would draw attention away the pumping station we would have a wonderful gateway to our city.  But alas, Mikey, much like his supporters is very short sighted.

Enjoy the holiday weekend everyone and I will be back about Wednesday or Thursday.

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