Friday, March 8, 2013

An Update On My Post From Last Night

Okay, so just to let everyone know, where I stand on what happened last night:

-First, let me say that Quasar did offer me a chance to open my own "Bad Things Mike Moore Has Done" thread.  Looking at the times of my post and his offer, I was already in the middle of writing my post when he made his.

-Second, I have no desire to open such a thread.  The only reason I made my statement (on the CCC) at all was because he said there was no drama to someone who said that this was just another in a line of drama filled things that have occurred under Moore.  That was my first post in the whole thread.  I wasn't there to "pile on".  Only made my comment to refute his claim that there has been no drama. 

-Third, my post was not to "call out" or bash the CCC.  I understand that written words are harder to grasp the emotion behind them.  But if I was trying to "call them out" I would have said something along the lines of "you gots some splaining to do".  Instead politely encouraged them to chime in as my post was merely to ask the readers of this blog if they thought I had done anything wrong.  And I only posted the relevant posts from the CCC to here for that conversation.

-Fourth, I never considered deleting Quasar's comment or banning him for his choice of words.  While he has those rules on the CCC, I do not here, and thus to serve any banning or editing would have been very hypocritical on my part.  I have no intention of doing that and try to avoid such behavior.  They have their rules (and I understand as they have a lot more posters than I do) and I have mine.  I'll follow their rules while I'm there and they can follow mine here.  And both should expect to be allowed to operate with in confines of those rules at the respective sites.

-Fifth, I contacted Quasar via Private Messenger today and gave an example of what I thought was a double standard.  I'm not above saying that I was wrong and was hoping to be able to discuss the situation.  At the very least, I had hoped to maybe (while not agreeing with him) at least understanding where he was coming from or his thinking.

What I got was being told that I was not owed an explanation and having the PM closed. 

That's fair enough.  It's his site.  But it should be stated that the PM was actually opened a few weeks back when Quasar had some questions about the way I was running my blog.  Needless to say I was much more courteous to his request than he was to mine.

I've gotten the feeling lately that Quasar was not happy with the way I've been posting on his site or on my own blog.  Now at no point has Quasar tried to censor me here or there.  Lets be very clear about this.  And he stated in the opening of that PM that this is my blog was of course free to run it as I chose.  That being said I gave his concerns thought and gave him both a thoughtful response and even asked for his input.  I have no desire to be at "war" with anyone.  But I get the feeling that he may have already been unhappy with me prior to last night and that it just boiled over when he read my post.  That's his right also and he is still encouraged to post any thoughts here (pro or con).  That's the way my site runs.

-Sixth, as far as I know, I'm still a member in good standing at the CCC, so I don't want anyone to think I have received any punishment from his site regarding any of the actions from any previous posts.  And at this point I consider the deal water under the bridge.  Or over the dam.  Which ever you prefer.

-Finally, to ensure fairness, next week I will be asking if people think that Goliath has an unhealthy relationship with his chickens.

Feel free to comment below.


  1. Well the fact that you were willing to duscuss his issues and he wasn't with yours says all we need know about him.

  2. lol...I was so tickled to get up this morning and see their new posting "The history of the CCC"..what in the world would they do without me yanking their chains!!! I have known so many GG's and Quasar's in my lifetime, heck even been related to some and I truly do not dislike them, I just feel a bit sorry for them because I know the issues that must be behind their insecurity. God Bless all!!

    One of the "banned" members because I just could not be "reasonable" (lol)

  3. I understand that when you allow public comments it can be a lot of headaches. But if you were able to respond to the Q's concerns he should be able to do the same for you. That's pretty weak on his part.

  4. Well the next he contacts you about your blog tell him you don't owe him anything either.

    1. While very tempting, that's not the way I work. I put my e-mail address at the top so anyone can contact me for any reasons.

  5. Is there a back-story to this I've missed??


  6. Ooops...Never mind I see the backstory now. SMH


  7. SSDD- Same Stuff Different Day. :)
