Sunday, September 30, 2012

I'm back Weekend Round Up

JAML is back at it after a few weeks off.  I would like first to apologize to all of you for my time away.  I wont go into great details, but just so it's understood I will at least justify.  Please know that the last few weeks have been stressful and very draining.  Not only was it hard to find the time to post, but it was hard to find the time to even take the notes that I do to work on this blog.  As it is, I'm not actually going to be working off notes this evening.  This week though, I will get back on track and be running at a normal schedule.  Whatever we've decided that is on here. 

What took me away was of the highest of priorities.  We all know there are more important things in life than a political blog and I assure you that this was one of them.  Luckily it coincided with a very dead period in the news, so not much was missed.

Now on to the round up:

-The biggest news (if its true)  comes from the claims of a CCC poster that Tom Galligan has already made up his mind to run for mayor next time around.  Rosefforp says that he had lunch with Tom and that he made the proclamation then.  I don't know Roseforrp so I have no way to know the validity of this statement.  That also means I have no reason to believe that it was made up either.  As reported by The Oracle a while back TG was considering this move.  If Roseforrp is correct, he may have already made up his mind.  You can read the story here.

-In other news the rains of this past week led to flooding downtown again.   This time affecting Industrial Nightmare.  With more steady rains in the forecast for the next several days, this could be devastating to a business that operates about 6 weeks a year and attacks people from all around.  Thus proving that the canal would not only help lure business, but help the ones already in place.

-Jiyabird has gone to the birds and is apparently hoping to get slapped with slander.  God I hope so.

-The council is busy working on the budget for the next fiscal year.  More details should emerge in the coming weeks and it will be interesting to see how the mayor is able to work with the council on this one.

-Achilles Pizza closed down this week.  A sad happening, but not surprising.  The location was not great and the opening was probably rushed.  The food was good when we went but the atmosphere was still being worked on.  I know its hard for a first time business owner, but its best to wait till your completely finished before you open the door.  Here's hoping the best for John and his employees.

-Finally, my deepest condolences to "Jules".  One of, if not my favorite posters on the political blogs.  I was very saddened to here the news of her loss.  And I say that about someone who I have never actually met.  And I hope that tells her the level of respect that I have for her from her posts.  Your family is in my thoughts and prayers.

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