Wednesday, June 12, 2013


This was posted to the mayor's FB page.  Funny,  I thought jobs and entertainment with in the city that we live would lead to a higher quality of life.

Sounds like an excuse for having an administration that has lacked on development.

Feel free to comment below.

1 comment:

  1. Quality of life pursuits require expenditure of money. Money is earned by jobs, and requires businesses that sell the things we need to participate quality of life pursuits. Each feeds the other.

    Take the mayor's favorite quality of life pursuits, parks, softball, zumba. A real quality of life event at a park with our families needs a picnic meal, drinks, proper clothing to be comfortable. All require the expnditure of money and places to buy the stuff. Softball requires uniforms, drinks, snacks, maybe league fees of some kind, all of which requires money and places to buy the stuff.. Zumba. How many zumba on the river without appropriate exercise clothing? Takes money to purchase just the right zumba outfit.

    It takes jobs, money earned, to be able to fully enjoy quality of life pursuits.
