Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Mike Moores Infomercial

Okay, a couple of notes on this piece:

-One is that this is obviously a video made for the purpose of promoting the mayor that is trying to disguise itself as a legitimate interview.  Its corny and cheesy when this done for infomercials.  It is somewhat dishonest when its done by an elected official. 

-Second, the mayor continues to take credit for jobs he had little or nothing to do with.  Accent was all ready building when he took office.  Amazon was announced a few weeks after he took office.  Not only is he trying to take credit for them, but their existence disproves his theory that the previous administration was having a negative impact on job growth.

-Third, he has no new ideas.  Minus a park here or there, he is basically points to projects that were all ready in the works.  Tenth street, the pedestrian bridge, the Riverstage and they throw a picture in of the ice-rink.  These projects or attractions all ready existed before he took office.  And did he try to take credit for the Ohio River Bridges project?

-Lastly.  Please I do not want to hear another person say "think about his family".  He just used his kids and their pictures in his own political infomercial.  If you want someone to start thinking about his family, start with the man in the video.

1 comment:

  1. I watched the first minute or so of the "interview" and decided I had had enough. If I remember correctly, when the interviewer asked about his first year, Mike replied with something like "I'm still smiling". Of course he is; he's exactly where he wanted to be. Unfortunately, Mike doesn't realize, or care, that the citizens of Jeff are not smiling with him. I doubt he can count on garnering enough votes to win the next election just on his smile.
