Yesterday was Christina Applegate's birthday. And that got me to thinking about one of my all-time favorite sitcoms. Married With Children! Yes, one of the most controversial shows of its time. Married With Children was FOX's first sitcom hit (well normal sitcom hit, as the Simpsons came along about the same time). The show was instantly a lighting rod for criticism from the "uptight" crowd as being to risque and not projecting a wholesome image of family life. There is actually a "lost" episode where Steve and Marcy go to a motel to spice up their life and they end up in court because their night in the motel had been video taped. Back then that was too much sex talk for even the "controversial" FOX. Now an episode like that would have viewers going "well, I can see that happening" because, well, we've seen that happen. As the show went on, it evolved in to a weekly scheme for Al Bundy to try to get rich or surround himself with beautiful women (Oh, Kelley would still not like that) that always backfired on left him right back where he started, if not worse. In the end, critics would ignore the fact that Al never really won anything from his antics or that he really did love his family. But they could no longer ignore the huge hit it had become. Eventually, the show would suffer from FOX trying to move the show from one time slot to another and then back. This lead to an abrupt cancellation that didn't even allow the show to write a proper send off or for the cast to get a chance to say good-bye to one another. But since then they've had a few reunion shows that have been special for the cast and the viewers. It was there that I heard Katy Segal thank the women's group that first filed a complaint about the show. Because, "after they complained, everyone started watching". Well then let me say thank you too.
To set this up, Al was working as security guard for his old school, when a trip to the bathroom allowed someone to steal the "City Championship" trophy that Al's old football team won where he scored the winning touchdown. This lead to Al getting fired and going to search for the trophy himself:
Now, on to the Wrap Up:
-The disappointing news for me this week was that 4th Street Live has also installed an outdoor ice rink.
This greatly depresses Jeffersonville's chances of getting people from over in Louisville to travel to Jeffersonville to do some outdoor ice skating. But each has their pros and cons so there is still a chance of people coming to Jeff from the other side of the river to do some ice skating. And certainly we should have the southern Indiana market. So lets hope that the area is big enough for two outdoor ice rinks.
-The city council meeting last week got some extra attention. After it was revealed that two children had been the victims of assaults, a parent asked for time to share her concerns over the way it was handled publicly with the council. Gaw has the story from that concerned parent here. I also encourage you to watch the video clip provided.
Needless to say, Mikey can not stay out of his own way and had anybody who heard or read his comments either scratching their heads in confusion or shaking them in dis-belief.
My take is that I can understand wanting to stand behind the police and I'm sure they have their reasons for not going public yet. But at some point you have to say that in this instance the fine men and women of the police department who really do a wonderful job, made a mistake. Or at least the person or persons that made this decision made one.
But instead, Mikey completely ignores the parents direct concern and says he doesn't micro-manage (BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!) and he doesn't like the rumors that have been going around for the last few months.
Wait. What?
Unless there is a rumor that has been going around Jeffersonville that hasn't made it on to the CCC, Gaw or the Oracle sites that none of the people I talk to have heard or found necessary to mention to me, what in the hell is he talking about? And if he's talking about the rumors of his personal life, what the hell does that have to do with a parents concern for her child?
Mikey really does himself no favors at all.
-There a small chance of a very light accumulation of snow tonight.
If there were any accumulations it would be very light and only on grassy areas and cars. Just mention it because if you park outside, you may have to do some scraping in the morning. Keep that in mind.
-We have new airboard members. They are Jim Baker, Beany Smith and Tom Galligan. That crazy TG, he just wont seem to go away. Congrats to all.
Is that the same James Baker? Probably not.
-This week it was announced that the city clerks office has purchased and is installing a new recording system so that all public meetings will be available online for the public. The N&T story is here.
It should be ready to go by the next council meeting and they will expand its use as they go. It was paid for out of the clerks budget. This is a great opportunity for all the people of Jeffersonville to see what actually goes on in the council meetings and who is saying what. Plus any elected official who tries and say one thing to the public and another in meetings will have to deal with this:

-Remember Mikey hinting at but never really saying that he was going lower sewer rates. And then when he didnt, his loyal followers saying it was the council's fault that he couldnt lower rates?
Well number one, it is some what true that it is the council's fault. You see, Mikey failed to mention when he was campaigning and/or failed to realize that the mayor cant change the sewer rates. Thats a council authority.
Second it seems that mikey is going to use everyone of those funds in the sewer rates for his uninspired "CSO interceptor project". You can read the whole story
But to sum it up, the mayor will not be lowering rates or doing anything to help lower them. He will be using their funds to help fix the CSOs problem, which the city has always had to fix. He will be using a plan that has numerous flaws that were admitted to in his first public meeting. He will proceed with a plan that in no way helps spur business growth downtown.
He is applying duct tape people. And he's doing it at the same cost that he was complaining about the other guy doing it at.
-The Oracle has a great read about the state of affairs and the enviroment around the mayor. I wont steal his thunder, but its not suprising in the least.
And if your going to attack the Oracle's stories and reporting, do it with some facts, not just name calling. It makes it pretty easy to see which side of the fence we should be on.
-Well, that takes care of the Wrap Up this week. I'll be back later in the week with some more stuff and hope that you all have great week. Until later feel free to comment below and to like the Facebook page.
Later taters!
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