Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Let's Talk About The Marina

Let's discuss the marina.

-First, I think it's a fine little idea.  It doesn't blow my skirt up, but I think it will be a nice little addition to downtown.

-Will it help downtown business?  A little.  But it won't help bring in new business.  I did the math back when the idea was first introduced and put them on the chatter and they were very underwhelming.  Especially when it will mainly take place on weekends and only for part of the year.

-Is it cheaper than the canal?  Yes.

-Is it better than the canal?  No and it is not even close.

-I find it highly hypocritical that people who were screaming at the top of their lungs against the "beautification" aspect of the canal did so because beauty was subjective so you can't say that it would beautify.  But now they say the marina will beautify.

I agree it will. 

I also say those people are hypocrites who will throw what ever they can against the wall to see what sticks.

-It must have been said a million times that we aren't San Antonio/Oklahoma City so that won't work here.  Now Hoosiertaxpayer is comparing us to Florida.  

See the above bullet point.

- Anyone who uses the "sewer effluent" is disgusting against the canal and then talks about swimming in the river is at best uneducated on the matter and at worst bold face lying. 

Sewer effluent is cleaner than the river is and as clear as a glass of tap water. I know this for a fact.

It's sad that what a grade school field trip taught me allows me to speak more informed than people who went to the capital to speak are.  I hope our elected officials take that into account when weighing their views.

-Again it is a nice little plan that will look nice.   But that is about it.


  1. You nailed it JAML. Bunch of hypocrites!

  2. It is hypocritical.

    Another hypocritical point is that Moore ran against the city running business type endeavors, like the new riverstage that would have had a banquet room. But apparently it is okay for the city to run a marina. Whatever.

  3. And remember people, Tina doesn't live in Jeff and says in another forum that she doesn't like businesses influencing goverment. Some people who share her political views will allow this hypocrisy to go unchallenged because everyone should think like they do.

  4. Nice to read your thoughts and opinions again JAML. :)


    1. Thanks Jules. I was actually very close to writing my goodbye post as it has been a very stressful few months in my "real" world. And I still might. But for a day I found the time and motivation and it felt good to hop back in the saddle.

  5. I agree with Jules, JAML. Good to see you back, and hope you will continue posting as you can.

