Sunday, January 27, 2013

The 1994 Snow Storm's Weekend Wrap Up

Yeah, we should have done this last week, but MLK will always get that spot.

On Sunday January 16th, 1994 most of us went to bed expecting some freezing rain then an inch or two of snow.  When we woke up on Monday morning we saw the most crippling winter storm that the area has ever seen.  What started off as a brief period of freezing rain and sleet, quickly turned to snow.  HEAVY SNOW!!!  And a lot of it.  In less than 10 hours, nearly 16 inches of snow fell across the area.  Interstates had to be closed, not just because of the amounts, but because of how quickly it fell.  We even had "thundersnow".  I actually got to see this.  I had fallen asleep on the couch that night watching t.v. and woke up about 2 or 3a.m.  As I looked at the window just above me, I noticed there was a flashing light behind the blinds.  I peeked between the blinds to catch one last flash of lighting.  The snow falling was unbelievable.  We already had several inches.

What followed was insanely cold temperatures.  Days were we spent most of, if not the whole day, below zero!  Louisville set their all time record low that week with -22.   I remember waking up that day and my dad telling me I wasn't going playing in the snow because it was too cold.  Oh the irony.

When people around here think of snow storms, this is the one that comes to mind first.  We've actually had a bigger storm since then, but because of how fast the snow fell and the cold that came afterwards, this is the one that all storms will be measured against.  It caused Kentucky and Louisville to tear up their old snow removal plan and come up with a new one.  And if you think people panic now over the mention of snow, you should have been around for a couple of years after this storm.  Hard to believe that next year will be 20 years.  (I'm getting so old) 

Here's to you, snow storm of '94.  You are the standard.

-Now on to the Wrap Up:

-Really was a slow week again.  The biggest story was that the council members who had questions about some of the mayor's expenses now say that those expenses have be adequately explained.  While the State Board of Accounts will still do a review, we can and should put this in the rear view mirror.  As I stated last week, (I love when I get to do that) that no one should get too upset and just let it play out.  It did, and now appears to be a non-story.  Whats best for the city is that everyone now moves on.

-The Redevelopment Commission was busy this week as they approved bonds for the new police station, the city's storm water conveyance system (you know the one that completely lacks any imagination or helps the city out in any other way) and a 10 year tax abatement for a Culver's to be located on Veterans Parkway.

Also, Rob Waiz didn't like it when other members questioned his tardiness in regards to him providing a 2013 projects list.  Jeez give Rob a break.  It's only the end of January of 2013.  Whats the rush?

You can read the N&T's full story on the meeting here.

-Want to read something about the council and the mayor agreeing on something?  I thought so.  Well when the council tabled a request for a 7 and a half million dollar bond to pay for repairs to pumps at Cane Run and Mill Creek, they said they needed more details of the exact cost of the repairs.  And you know what?  Mike Moore agreed.  He said that he himself has been looking for final numbers and hoped to have them for his Flood Control District meeting, but I haven't heard or read anything about it since then.

-I'll admit that I've gotten pretty lucky, but still, has anyone been better at giving you the forecast for Jeff this season?!  The JAML Weather Team (probably need a better name than that) has been spot on so far.  Keep and eye out this week as well.  We'll go from rain tonight and tomorrow, to mid 60's on Tuesday, a chance for severe storms Tuesday night, to wintry weather the rest of the week.  As always, I'll keep you up to date!

-The council did approve a ten year tax abatement for a building that will house Re/max.  They've already been clearing the land out.

Waiz told the N&T here that "27 jobs, with a total salary of about $1.5 million will be added to the site".

-Finally, Mike Hutt is still watchinig over things.  Over on the CCC, he has provided a list of Jeff's top paid employees and vendors for 2012.  Have a look see.  Neither seem to provide any "eyebrow raisers", but always interesting to see where the money is going.

-That should do it for tonight.  As always feel free to comment below and to like the Facebook Page.  I'll be back later in the week with another blog post and a new poll.  Until then, have a good week everyone!

1 comment:

  1. I remember that snow well, and keep hoping we'll get another one like it! Sorry, I love snow.
